INFO: [???] mplex version 2.2.2 ($Date: 2003/05/13 20:27:15 $) INFO: [???] File E:\CompForMac\Cuttermaran\test_cut.m2v looks like an MPEG Video stream.
INFO: [???] File E:\CompForMac\Cuttermaran\test_cut.ac3 looks like an AC3 Audio stream.
INFO: [???] Video stream 0: profile 8 selected - ignoring non-standard options!
INFO: [???] Found 1 audio streams and 1 video streams
INFO: [???] Selecting dvdauthor DVD output profile
INFO: [???] Multiplexing video program stream!
INFO: [???] Scanning for header info: Video stream e0 (E:\CompForMac\Cuttermaran\test_cut.m2v)
INFO: [???] Frame width : 720
INFO: [???] Frame height : 480
INFO: [???] Aspect ratio : 4:3 display
INFO: [???] Picture rate : 29.970 frames/sec
INFO: [???] Bit rate : 9800000 bits/sec
INFO: [???] Vbv buffer size : 229376 bytes
INFO: [???] CSPF : 0
INFO: [???] Scanning for header info: AC3 Audio stream 00 (E:\CompForMac\Cuttermaran\test_cut.ac3)
INFO: [???] AC3 frame size = 1792

INFO: [???] Bit rate : 57344 bytes/sec (448 kbit/sec)
INFO: [???] Frequency : 48000 Hz
INFO: [???] rough-guess multiplexed stream data rate : 10413848
INFO: [???] target data-rate specified : 10080000
++ WARN: [???] Target data rate lower than computed requirement!
++ WARN: [???] N.b. a 20% or so discrepancy in variable bit-rate
++ WARN: [???] streams is common and harmless provided no time-outs will occur
INFO: [???] Run-in Sectors = 89 Video delay = 13019 Audio delay = 0
INFO: [???] New sequence commences...
INFO: [???] Video e0: buf= 237568 frame=000000 sector=00000000
INFO: [???] Audio bd: buf= 16384 frame=000000 sector=00000000
++ WARN: [???] Discarding incomplete final frame AC3 stream 0!
INFO: [???] Scanned to end AU 35707
INFO: [???] STREAM e0 completed @ frame 35707.
INFO: [???] STREAM bd completed @ frame 37231.
INFO: [???] Multiplex completion at SCR=107218505.
INFO: [???] Video e0: buf= 115000 frame=035707 sector=00267192
INFO: [???] Audio bd: buf= 2048 frame=037231 sector=00033096
INFO: [???] Video Stream length: 538318132 bytes
INFO: [???] Sequence headers: 2407
INFO: [???] Sequence ends : 1
INFO: [???] No. Pictures : 35707
INFO: [???] No. Groups : 2407
INFO: [???] No. I Frames : 2407 avg. size 46491 bytes
INFO: [???] No. P Frames : 11827 avg. size 18805 bytes
INFO: [???] No. B Frames : 21474 avg. size 9500 bytes
INFO: [???] Average bit-rate : 3614000 bits/sec
INFO: [???] Peak bit-rate : 3879200 bits/sec
INFO: [???] BUFFERING min 15 Buf max 218872
INFO: [???] Audio stream length 66719749 bytes.
INFO: [???] Syncwords : 37233
INFO: [???] Frames : 37233 padded
INFO: [???] Frames : 0 unpadded
INFO: [???] BUFFERING min 35 Buf max 1603
INFO: [???] MUX STATUS: no under-runs detected.